
Cisco Buys ContainerX

Cisco Buys ContainerX

With the trend toward containerization continuing to increase, Cisco has announced the purchase of a startup called ContainerX. “Many of our customers are starting to use containers to build, deploy and manage cloud native applications,” wrote Rob Salvagno, vice president of corporate business development at Cisco. “Containers provide an easy, flexible way to build, test, deploy, and move applications across a variety of environments, including public clouds, private clouds and hybrid environments. Today the container space is in an emerging phase with enterprises experimenting with adoption, but at the same time wanting to see the level of security, manageability and interoperability they need within their IT environment.”

ContainerX will join Cisco’s cloud and platform services group, where its former employees will continue their work on building a “comprehensive cloud-native stack.” The startup is suspending downloads and technical support for its existing customers.

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