
Dell Announces Hybrid Cloud Computing Tools

Dell Announces Hybrid Cloud Computing Tools

At the VMworld 2015 event this week, Dell unveiled a number of updates and additions to its hybrid cloud computing portfolio. It announced Active System Manager 8.1.1., which now integrates with VMware vRealize; a new Hybrid Cloud Platform Reference Architecture with VMware vRealize; updates to its Engineered Solutions for VMware’s EVO:Rail converged infrastructure; and Wyse ThinOS 8.1, the latest version of Dell’s think client operating system.

“Several studies have shown the clear customer value and accelerating rate of repatriating previously public cloud only deployments to hybrid cloud environments,” Jim Ganthier, Dell vice president and general manager of engineered solutions and cloud, said. “Dell’s innovations coupled with our ongoing and extensive VMware partnership enable our joint customers to not only achieve the above but also deliver both business results and outcomes.”

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