
DHS to Adopt Cloud, Agile Technologies

DHS to Adopt Cloud, Agile Technologies

In order to improve its IT operations, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is adopting agile software development methodologies and moving to a cloud computing environment. Margaret Graves, DHS deputy CIO, revealed the new plans in answer to questions from U.S. Rep Ron Barber (D-Ariz.). According to Graves, DHS first began transitioning to Agile in 2012.

Graves also noted that DHS is consolidating its 42 data centers into just two and transitioning to some cloud computing services in order to save money. For example, the department has switch to cloud-based email, which costs just $7 per user, instead of $24.

The DHS spends 15 percent of its budget, or about $6 million, on IT.

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