
Five Best Practices for Mobile Development

Five Best Practices for Mobile Development

Computerworld editor-in-chief Scot Finnie has come out with a new article touting best practices for enterprise developers who are working on mobile apps. He encourages organizations to learn from others’ mistakes and to build apps that will be truly useful. His tips include the following:

  1. “In order to succeed, a mobile app must solve a problem, deliver important functionality, save time or money, entertain or enlighten, or offer a novel service.”
  2. “Focus on one thing and do it well.”
  3. “If you build it … nope, they probably won’t come.”
  4. “Apps need optional user notifications.”
  5. “Don’t force users to run your app instead of visiting the corporate website, and don’t make them go to the mobile version of the site (but do make a mobile version available).”

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