
Gartner Predicts 5.3% Growth in Enterprise Software Spending

Gartner Predicts 5.3% Growth in Enterprise Software Spending

Market research firm Gartner has published its worldwide IT spending forecast for 2016. It predicts that IT spending will climb just 0.6 percent to $3.54 trillion for the year. However, enterprise software spending will see an increase of 5.3 percent to reach $326 billion.

Thanks to growing use of cloud computing, the IT services market is also likely to see a sizable boost in 2016. Gartner predicts an increase of 3.1 percent for this segment. Data center systems will also see a predicted 3 percent rise due to strong demand for hyper-scale systems.

Gartner predicts that the devices market will decline by 1.9 percent and that the communications services market will decline by 1.2 percent.

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