
IBM Adds 5 More Services to Watson Developer Cloud

IBM Adds 5 More Services to Watson Developer Cloud

IBM is adding five new beta services to its Watson Developer Cloud cognitive computing platform. They include the following:

  • Speech to Text–real-time speech recognition that uses machine intelligence to generate more accurate transcriptions.
  • Text to Speech–Audio output of English or Spanish text that uses Watson’s abilities to generate more natural cadence and intonation
  • Visual Recognition–Analyzes, collects and organizes the objects, settings or events depicted in visual media.
  • Concept Insights–Provides semantic search capabilities for text
  • Tradeoff Analytics–Helps users weigh the relative merits of various actions based on multiple, sometimes conflicting goals

With the new services, IBM now has 13 APIs available through Watson Developer Cloud. To access them, developers must use IBM’s Bluemix cloud development platform.

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