
Mesosphere Partners with Big Data Vendors

Mesosphere Partners with Big Data Vendors

Mesosphere, the company behind the open source Apache Mesos-based DC/OS distributed operating system, has announced that it has new partnerships with big data vendors Confluent, DataStax and Lightbend. It will now be much easier for developers to deploy and use technologies like Kafka, Confluent Platform, Cassandra, DataStax Enterprise, Spark and Lightbend Reactive Platform on DC/OS.

The company said the new agreements would help it get closer to its vision for the “Container 2.0” era. “At its simplest, Container 2.0 is the ability to run (and orchestrate) both stateless and stateful services on the same set of resources,” blogged Mesosphere’s Florian Leibert. “This is how modern applications should be built and operated if we want to use them to their full potential for curing diseases, solving business problems or delivering the next great consumer experience. If we can’t finally — and completely — knock down the siloes between applications and infrastructure, then the core components of modern applications — efficient code deployment on containers and powerful data processing and analytics — will only be as good as the networks between them.”

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