
Microsoft Buys App Analytics and Distribution Provider HockeyApp

Microsoft Buys App Analytics and Distribution Provider HockeyApp

Microsoft has announced the purchase of HockeyApp, a Stuttgart, Germany-based company that offers crash analytics and app distribution services. Microsoft plans to integrate HockeyApp’s capabilities into its IDE and other development tools. S. “Soma” Somasegar, corporate vice president of Microsoft’s Developer Division, blogged, “As mobile, cloud and DevOps continue to transform the application development landscape, we are bringing together the most complete set of tools and services for highly productive mobile-first, cloud-first development?from cross-platform mobile development tools in Visual Studio to Application Insights in Visual Studio Online.”

Somasegar also revealed that Microsoft used HockeyApp’s services for its own apps. “Microsoft has been a HockeyApp customer with many apps since the early days back in 2011, so they were already familiar with the stability and quality of our service,” he wrote. “Creating the best developer experience is key to both Microsoft and HockeyApp; this includes delivering industry leading tools for the major mobile platforms: iOS, Android and Windows. We saw the potential of the added abilities and resources of Microsoft to make our platform even better. It may sound like a clich?, but it really does feel like a match made in heaven.”

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