
Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013 Gets an Update

Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013 Gets an Update

At the ongoing SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas, Microsoft announced the availability of a new update for Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013. “Whether you are building a mobile app that wants to connect to high-value data and services in Office 365, developing rich integration into Office experiences with a custom app for Office, or developing Cloud Business App projects that integrate with SharePoint, today’s releases enable developers to connect to the Office ecosystem in new and exciting ways,” blogged Soma Somasegar, corporate vice president of Microsoft’s Developer Division.

“This release includes APIs for working with Files, Calendar, People and Mail, exposing data spanning Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business and Azure Active Directory,” he added.

Microsoft made several other product announcements at the event, including new cloud computing, enterprise social, big data, machine learning and mobile capabilities for Office.

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