
OpenStack Newton Release Improves Scalability, Container Orchestration

OpenStack Newton Release Improves Scalability, Container Orchestration

OpenStack has released Newton, the 14th version of its open source cloud computing platform. The update adds greater scalability and resiliency, as well as better support for container orchestration tools like Kubernetes, Mesos and Swarm.

“The OpenStack community is focused on making clouds work better for users,” said Jonathan Bryce, executive director of the OpenStack Foundation. “This is clearly evident in the Newton release, which tackles users’ biggest needs, giving cloud operators and app developers greater security, resiliency and choice. The new features and enhancements in Newton underscore the power of OpenStack: It handles more workloads in more ways across more industries worldwide. OpenStack is a cloud platform that ties everything together: compute, network, storage, and innovative cloud technologies.”

The next OpenStack release, codenamed Ocata, is due in February.

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