
Oracle Releases Application Development Framework Essentials

Oracle Releases Application Development Framework Essentials

Oracle has launched a free version of its Application Development Framework (ADF). It will be called Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) Essentials, and it runs on the open source GlassFish development platform. Oracle’s Bill Pataky explained, “Oracle ADF is an MVC [Model-View-Controller] framework that we really built for ourselves.” He added, “This is a version of ADF that is moving more to a ‘freemium’ model. Previously, it required a paid version of WebLogic to deploy, but we’re releasing this version that runs on GlassFish. We provide over 150 rich enterprise components in this release. And this release gives ADF the chance to be deployed outside an Oracle environment. This is a fairly big step for the ADF community. AF can now run on Tomcat or JBoss, although we don’t certify it.”

Oracle ADF Essentials includes Oracle ADF Faces, Oracle ADF Business Components, Oracle ADF Controller and Oracle ADF Binding, as well as other core features from the paid version of ADF. The free version is available for download through the Oracle Technology Network.

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