
Pivotal Releases Open Source Big Data Platform

Pivotal Releases Open Source Big Data Platform

Cloud computing provider Pivotal has announced a new Big Data Suite, which it says is the “world’s first open-sourced enterprise-class suite of big data products.” The cloud-based suite includes Pivotal Hadoop, Pivotal HAWQ (SQL processing engine), Pivotal Greenplum Database and Pivotal GemFire XD in-memory database. The company says that it will enable fast deployment in cloud computing environments and greater agility in big data projects.

In related news, Pivotal has partnered with GEO Hortonworks, IBM, Infosys, SAS, EMC, Verizon and VMware to create a new industry association called the Open Data Platform (ODP). The group plans to develop standards for big data and promote related open source technologies.

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