
Report: 65% of Companies Surveyed Using Continuous Delivery

Report: 65% of Companies Surveyed Using Continuous Delivery

A new Evans Data survey commissioned by Perforce found that 65 percent of the 600 software developers, managers and executives surveyed say their companies are currently using continuous delivery methodologies. More than 28 percent are using CD for all projects, and 37 percent say they are using CD at least some of the time.

The practice of continuous delivery, pushing out updates and bug fixes on an ongoing basis instead of waiting for the next software release, has long been associated with software as a service, but the survey found that a growing number of traditional companies are adopting CD as well. In the survey, 80 percent of SaaS firms reported use of CD, compared with 51 percent of non-SaaS firms.

More information about the survey can be found in the report, titled “Continuous Delivery: The New Normal for Software Development.”

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