
Report Finds ‘Slow But Steady’ Adoption of Universal Windows Platform

Report Finds ‘Slow But Steady’ Adoption of Universal Windows Platform

According to a new survey from software vendor Progress, 41 percent of mobile developers are unfamiliar with Microsoft’s Universal Windows Platform (UWP), but 35 percent say they plan to use it. The report authors say that suggests “slow but steady” adoption of the platform. Other key takeaways from the report included the following:

  • 52 percent of .NET developers believe Xamarin/C# is the best option for building cross-platform mobile apps.
  • 38 percent of developers said the ability to use .NET to build cross-platform apps was “amazing.”
  • The most-used cross-platform development frameworks were Xamarin (62 percent) and Apache Cordova (43 percent).

The report also noted, “Developers appear to embrace the ‘mobile first, cloud first’ mantra, while staying rooted with preferences and practicalities.”

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