
Survey: 49% of Enterprises Say IoT Will Be Critical or Important to Company Growth

Survey: 49% of Enterprises Say IoT Will Be Critical or Important to Company Growth

A QuinStreet Enterprise survey of 600 professionals found that nearly half of those surveyed (49 percent) believe the Internet of Things (IoT) will be critical or important to their companies’ growth. Only 3 percent said IoT wasn’t relevant to them. In addition, 70 percent said IoT would have a huge or considerable impact on their industries over the next five years.

Other key takeaways from the survey included the following:

  • 15 percent of those surveyed said their companies are already using IoT technologies now, and 39 percent plan to do so within a year or two.
  • Innovation was the top motivator for exploring IoT.
  • 75 percent of those surveyed said their executives understood IoT well.
  • 56 percent of those surveyed said enhancing the customer experience was a top priority for their IoT initiatives.
  • 44 percent said security was a top challenge for IoT.

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