
Survey: 65% of Enterprises Contribute to Open Source Projects

Survey: 65% of Enterprises Contribute to Open Source Projects

Black Duck has released the results of its 10th annual Future of Open Source Survey. The firm says open source has become “today’s pre-eminent architecture, the foundation for nearly all applications, operating systems, cloud computing, databases and Big Data.” It added, “The most compelling reasons cited in the survey for use of open source included flexibility and freedom from vendor lock-in; competitive features and technical capabilities; ability to customize; and overall quality.”

Other key findings in the survey included the following:

  • 67 percent of enterprises actively encourage their developers to contribute to open source, and 65 percent of enterprises are directly contributing to open source projects.
  • A third of enterprises have a full-time person working on open source.
  • 73 percent of respondents use GIt.
  • 55 percent of respondents run open source software in their production environments.
  • More than a third of companies have no process for identifying and fixing vulnerabilities in their open source code.

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