
Survey: SaaS Adoption Hits 74 Percent

Survey: SaaS Adoption Hits 74 Percent

North Bridge Venture Partners has released a new report which found that 74 percent of those surveyed said they were using a software as a service (SaaS) product. That’s a dramatic increase from North Bridge’s first “Future of Cloud Computing Survey,” which was conducted four years ago and found only 11 percent of respondents were utilizing SaaS. (The survey is heavily weighted toward technology companies and may not accurately represent cloud computing usage among enterprises as a whole.)

Other types of cloud computing also showed strong usage: 56 percent were using infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and 41 percent were using a platform as a service (PaaS).

Several issues are still proving obstacles to more widespread adoption: 49 percent cited security concerns, 29 percent pointed to vendor lock-in and 17 percent were concerned about cloud interoperability.

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