
UI/UX Design and Back-End Integration Top List of In-Demand Mobile Development Skills

UI/UX Design and Back-End Integration Top List of In-Demand Mobile Development Skills

TechValidate has published the results of a wide-ranging survey of 3,170 Red Hat Enterprise Linux developers. When asked about their most significant challenges, developers cited access to new technologies (67 percent), need to simplify or eliminate trivial tasks (57 percent), improve application performance (48 percent) and application integration (41 percent) at the top of the list. Other interesting findings included the following:

  • 58 percent of those surveyed plan to deploy containers within the next 24 months.
  • 53 percent of those surveyed have no plans to develop for the Internet of Things this year.
  • The most in-demand mobile development skills are UI/UX design (32 percent) and back-end integration (27 percent).

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