
Why Do End Users Hate Agile Software Development

Why Do End Users Hate Agile Software Development

Many developers see a lot of advantages to agile software development methodologies, but end users might be tougher to convince. Esther Schindler writes in ITworld that their objections usually fall into one of several categories:

  • Users want budget predictability.
  • Users want technology predictability.
  • You say iterative, they say disorganized and never-ending.
  • Culture clash.
  • Improperly identified stakeholders.

The article includes advice from several experts on how to overcome these objections. For example, consultant Dave Hecker says, “With enough examples, anxious clients will see that even though they don’t know exactly how the project is going to unfold they will always be in the driver’s seat and can make decisions along the way. At least, most anxious clients will learn that; Agile development isn’t for everyone!”

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