
#10: SQL

#10: SQL

Most enterprise applications today use databases to keep track of their content. SQL is supported by every modern relational database, so learning how to use it means you can apply your knowledge to MS Access, SQL Server, Oracle, and DB2, to name just a few. While each database vendor has its own proprietary flavor of SQL, all support most of the basic SQL standard features.

Make SQL Server Respond to an ORDER BY Clause
Using SQL’s EXISTS Predicate to Identify Missing Data
Understanding and Calculating Dates
Going Off the Beaten DB Path
MySQL: A Lot More Going for It Than No Price Tag
Leveraging SQL Server’s XML Features
Customize XML Data with SQL Server
Access SQLXML Technology from .NET Apps
Use New SQL Server Datatypes
Use SQL Server Triggers to Track Unauthorized Database Changes
Get Your SQL Server Questions Answered
Tune Up SQL Server Performance
Use New SQL Server Datatypes
Search Databases the .NET Way
DB2 Explains Itself: A Roadmap to Faster Query Runtime
Mastering Top-N and OLAP Queries in DB2
DB2: Tame Beastly Data with Summary Tables
Concurrency Handling in Oracle: Preventing Locked Data
Oracle Basics: Querying an Oracle Database
Oracle Concepts: The Instance and the Database
Performing Top-N Queries in Oracle
Finding and Eliminating Duplicate Data

DevX eLearning: Technical Microsoft Package
Basic SQL Tutorial
Free Online SQL Course and Tutorials

Good Links:
Microsoft SQL Server Home
SQL Server Magazine
A Gentle Introduction to SQL

Discussion Groups:
DevX enterprise.sql Discussion Group

A Visual Introduction to SQL, by David Chappell and J. Harvey Trimble.


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