
Leverage the Power of the Smart Tag in Your Custom Controls

Leverage the Power of the Smart Tag in Your Custom Controls

f you have used Visual Studio 2005, chances are you’ve noticed the new Smart Tag feature. Basically, a Smart Tag is a panel that is displayed next to a control, containing a list of commonly used properties. By saving you a trip to the Properties window for some of the more common properties you need to set, Smart Tag can improve development productivity.

Figure 1 shows the ListView control with its Smart Tag panel displayed. You display the Smart Tag by clicking on the small arrow icon known as the anchor.

The Smart Tag contains a list of actions or properties (such as View). Actions are items such as Edit Items, which will bring up another window for you to edit the items in the ListView control.

Most controls (be they Windows or Web Server controls) support Smart Tag. While use of Smart Tag is a great way to increase productivity, if you are a custom control developer Smart Tag can also serve you well. You can allow the users of your controls to utilize the Smart Tag feature of Visual Studio 2005.

In this article I will show you how you can add Smart Tag support to your custom control. For simplicity, I will create a custom Button control based on the standard Button control. Figure 2 shows the Smart Tag that you will create in this article.

Figure 1. Smart Tag Example: The screen shot shows the ListView control with its Smart Tag displayed.
Figure 2. Today’s Project: The screen shot shows the finished Smart Tag for a custom control.

Some Terminology
Before you start building a custom control and its corresponding Smart Tag, it is useful to define some terms pertinent to Smart Tags (see Figure 3). Each item in the Smart Tag is known as the Designer Action Item. You can organize the various designer action items into categories known as Designer Action Headers. The list of items and headers in the Smart Tag is known as the Designer Action List.

Creating the Project
Using Visual Studio 2005, create a new Windows application. Name the application as C:SmartTag. All the necessary classes required to build Smart Tag are located in the System.ComponentModel.Design namespace, which is stored in the System.Design.dll assembly. So, you need to add a reference to the System.Design.dll assembly in the project (see Figure 4).

Figure 3. Knowing the Jargon: You’ll need to identify some key terms to work effectively with the Smart Tag.

Creating the Component
To create a custom control, add a new Class template to the project and use the default name of Class1.vb. To keep things simple, I am going to simply create a custom Button control that inherits from the standard Button control. And so, in Class1.vb, add the following:

Public Class MyButton    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.ButtonEnd Class

Note that you can enhance the MyButton control by adding properties and methods. You can also override some of its existing methods and properties.

Creating the Control Designer
The next step is to create the control designer (Smart Tag) for your custom control.

First, add the following namespace at the top of Class1.vb:

Imports System.ComponentModelImports System.ComponentModel.Design

Add the following MyButtonDesigner class to Class1.vb:

Public Class MyButtonDesigner    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner    Private lists As DesignerActionListCollection    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ActionLists() _       As DesignerActionListCollection        Get            If lists Is Nothing Then                lists = New _                   DesignerActionListCollection()                lists.Add( _                   New MyButtonActionList(Me.Component))            End If            Return lists        End Get    End PropertyEnd Class
Figure 4. Adding a Reference: Add the System.Design.dll assembly to the project.

You use the ControlDesigner class for extending the design mode behavior of a Windows control. In this case, you want to display a Smart Tag for the custom control. The MyButtonDesigner class contains a private member variable called lists that contains the Designer Action List. The purpose of this variable is to contain a list of Designer Action Items. This is done by creating an instance of the MyButtonActionList class (which I will define in the next section).

To associate the custom control with the control designer, you need to add the attribute to the MyButton class:

 _Public Class MyButton    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.ButtonEnd Class

Creating the Designer Action List
The MyButtonActionList class will create the list of designer action items available in the Smart Tag. Add the MyButtonActionList class to Class1.vb.

Public Class MyButtonActionListInherits _   System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerActionListEnd Class

First, declare the following private member variables:

    '---reference to the custom control    Private myOwnButton As MyButton    '---reference to DesignerActionUIServicePrivate designerActionSvc As _   DesignerActionUIService = Nothing

Then create the constructor for the class. The constructor accepts a single argument, which is a reference to the custom control.

    Public Sub New(ByVal component As IComponent)        MyBase.New(component)        Me.myOwnButton = component        Me.designerActionSvc = _           CType(GetService(GetType( _           DesignerActionUIService)), _           DesignerActionUIService)    End Sub

Next, add a function named GetPropertyByName() to retrieve the various properties of the custom control. I will explain the importance of using this function later on in this article.

Private Function GetPropertyByName( _   ByVal propName As String) _       As PropertyDescriptor        Dim prop As PropertyDescriptor        prop = _           TypeDescriptor.GetProperties( _           myOwnButton)(propName)        If prop Is Nothing Then            Throw New ArgumentException( _            "Invalid property.", propName)        Else            Return prop        End If    End Function

Next, declare the various action list items in the Smart Tag as properties. Figure 5 shows the various items in the Smart Tag and their corresponding properties; Listing 1 is the code.

Figure 5. Properties: The screen shot shows the various items in the Smart Tag and their corresponding properties.
Figure 6. Arguments: The screen shot shows the arguments for the Add() method.

Note that for the AutoSize property, setting a value will cause the Smart Tag to refresh. I will hide the Size designer action header if the AutoSize property is set to True, and display it when the AutoSize property is false. This is achieved by overriding the GetSortedActionItems() method (Listing 2).

Specifically, the GetSortedActionItems() method from Listing 2 will populate the Smart Tag with the list of designer action items and arrange them in the order that you specify within this method. Figure 6 shows the arguments for the Add() method of the DesignerActionItemCollection class.

Testing the Application
To test the application, first compile the application by going to Build->Built SmartTag. Then drag and drop the MyButton control from the Toolbox (under the SmartTag Components tab; see Figure 7) onto Form1.

Figure 7. Control Check: Locate the custom control by dragging it to the form.
Figure 8. Checking Your Work: View the Smart Tag to check your work and try setting the properties.

Click on the Smart Tag anchor to view the Smart Tag. Try checking and un-checking the Auto Size checkbox. If it is checked, the Size header will not be visible (see Figure 8). Also, try setting the various properties to prove that the Smart Tag works.

Earlier, I mentioned the need to define the GetPropertyByName() function to retrieve the various properties of the custom control. This is because the properties of a custom control must be set through a proxy property (which, in this case, is returned by the GetPropertyByName() function). You might be tempted to set the property of a control directly, like this:

Figure 9. No Change: Resist the urge to set the properties of the control directly. If you do, the Properties window will not reflect the changes you make.
    Public Property [Text]() As String        Get            Return myOwnButton.Text        End Get        Set(ByVal value As String)            '---setting the property directly            myOwnButton.Text = value        End Set    End Property

However, in that case, if you were to set, say, the “Text String” item in the Smart Tag to some string such as “OK,” the Properties window will not reflect the changes (see Figure 9). Therefore the properties must be set through a proxy.

In this article, you have seen how to create Smart Tags for your custom control. If you are a control developer, adding a Smart Tag will make your control more user-friendly and efficient.


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