
Explore the Semantic Web

Explore the Semantic Web

complex set of extensions to the World Wide Web, the Semantic Web will make data and services more accessible to computers and more useful to people. Some of these extensions are being deployed now, and many are coming in the next years. Explorer’s Guide to the Semantic Web is the only book to explore the territory of the Semantic Web in a broad and conceptual manner.

This guide introduces the basic ideas and technologies of the Semantic Web, their roles and inter-relationships. The key areas covered include knowledge modeling (RDF, Topic Maps), ontology (OWL), agents (intelligent and otherwise), distributed trust and belief, “semantically-focused” search, and much more. The book’s basic, conceptual approach is accessible to readers with a wide range of backgrounds and interests.

Chapter 1 discusses the nature of the Semantic Web, meta data, annotation, two Semantic Web scenarios, and much more

Download the PDF of Chapter 1: “The Semantic Web”

Chapter 5 discusses different kinds of searches, keywords, ontologies, semantic analysis, and much more

Download the PDF of Chapter 5: “Searching”

Reproduced from Explorer’s Guide to the Semantic Web by permission ofManning Publications Co. ISBN 1932394206, copyright 2004. All rightsreserved.

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