
iTunes U: Is It All You Need for Training?

iTunes U: Is It All You Need for Training?

In August, Apple announced that iTunes U hit the 300 million download mark, just three years after its launch. Between iTunes U, You Tube Edu, and more and more schools participating in open courseware, one has to wonder if online video training will one day completely replace the traditional classroom.

There are a number of key benefits to learning via online tutorials—low to no cost being a big one— but there certainly are some limitations as well. In an article entitled, in Online Video Training Brings the Classroom to Your iPod, our partner site recently explored the topic.


A few of the key benefits of online training noted in the article include:

  • Agility: In the quickly changing tech world, online training materials can be quickly adjusted and edited to include the most up-to-date information.
  • Access: Tutorials can be viewed from anywhere, at any time.
  • Retention: Some studies have found that video elements in instructional programs may actually enhanced long-term retention of the material.

A few of the limitations:

  • Unknown accuracy: Sites like YouTube don’t “fact-check” to make sure the training materials are accurate—potentially leading to learning incorrect information.
  • Low interactivity: Sitting and listening to a lecture can be boring at times, but engaging at others when the class is engaged in a discussion or debate. This can’t happen while watching an online tutorial.

Read the full list and learn more by reading the full article at

Online Video Training Brings the Classroom to Your iPod

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