
Book Excerpt: Get an ”Overview of SANs Technology”

Book Excerpt: Get an ”Overview of SANs Technology”

he Essential Guide to Storage Area Networks is the readable, up-to-the-minute guide to SANs for every decision-maker. It covers the entire SAN lifecycle, from planning and strategy to implementation and management. Leading network and security consultant John Vacca demystifies SAN concepts, applications, ROI calculations, and emerging standards, offering practical guidance for deploying SANs with maximum scalability, availability, and business value.

Part I covers: What is a SAN?Really? Network Attached Storage (NAS). SAN Attached Storage (SAS). SAN Interfaces. SAN Interconnects. SAN Fabrics. Building a SAN. Why Are SANs Important? SAN Applications. Types of SAN Operating Systems Software and Hardware Components. Sharing Data in a SAN. The Case for SAN Hardware. SAN Market Demand and Projections by Region and Country. Evolution of the SAN Market. The Value of Information. The Business Information Landscape Today. Preparing for Storage Area Networking. The Challenge of Implementing SAN Technology. The Storage Networking Management Vision.

Download the PDF of Chapter 1: Overview of SANs Technology

Reproduced from The Essential Guide to Storage Area by permission of Prentice Hall PTR. ISBN 0-13-093575-1. All rights reserved.

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