
Science & Technology in Berlin: What You Should Definitely Visit

Science & Technology in Berlin: What You Should Definitely Visit

things to do in Berlin.

Berlin is not only a cultural but also a scientific center of the country and Europe as a whole.

The city has a complex history, which has affected its appearance. This capital attracts tourists with its architecture, cultural values, and innovative technologies. If you are passionate about science and unique innovative technologies, you should definitely visit this city. We have prepared a list of things to do in Berlin.

The top places to visit are the following:

German Museum of Technology Berlin

Science center
German Museum of Technology Berlin

The official name of this very large polytechnic museum is the Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin. It was opened in 1983 under the name of the “Museum of Transportation and Technology”. Since 1996, the museum has been under its current name.

This museum is worth a visit for both adults and children. Real airplanes, sailing ships, navigation, cars in sections and without sections, paper-making technology… All the technical magic of the world can be touched with your hands and studied from the inside.

The exposition is simply huge. For years, important technical objects, designs, and achievements from all fields of science and technology have been collected.

Here, modern technologies, computers, and microchips are juxtaposed with industrial machines, airplanes, and machine tools of all kinds.

One of the most unique things about this museum is the Spectrum Science Center.

Science Center Spectrum

Science Center Spectrum

The Spectrum Science Center is an interactive area for children and adults, where everyone can set up a laboratory experiment, learn how a perpetual motion machine works, see how a shadow or rainbow appears, and create electrical energy. In this museum, you can and even should interact with all the exhibits – touch, twist, jump, and do whatever you want with them.

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In Spectrum, you can learn about physics, chemistry, and other complex sciences through a game, so boring school subjects will seem entertaining and will be interesting for people of any age. The Spectrum Science Center literally allows you to touch science with your hands and learn how light and music are created, as well as understand the laws of mechanics, optics, and acoustics. The science center regularly hosts workshops for children and teenagers, as well as educational quests and science shows.

The work of the Spectrum Science and Entertainment Center is experimental rather than theoretical, although guided tours and group demonstrations are also held here. It is assumed that the visitors have already got acquainted with general concepts and basics of laws on their own or at school, and in the center, they can conduct corresponding experiments.



At the beginning of September 2019, a cool new museum about technology and the future – Futurium – opened in Berlin. There you can look at different versions of humanity’s development and even realize some of your own ideas in a special laboratory.

Futurium is not exactly a museum in the classical sense of the word. The main thing here is not the exhibits, but fascinating stories and artifacts that only support the facts. The exposition is organized in several halls, which tell about the future that has already come. Energy sources and modern eco-architecture, robotics and nuclear power, overconsumption and the main resource (and it is no longer information, as we thought in recent years, but time) are just some of the topics that are raised in Futurium.

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The museum pays great attention to expressive means: light, audio, art installations – everything is created to illustrate the exciting topics and theses as vividly and convincingly as possible. And near each exhibit, there are questions to ponder, such as: “How will you meet your 130th birthday?”.

After you have studied all the exhibits, you can talk to the robots in the museum and just roll around in a hammock to take a break and digest the information you have received. And in good weather, the Futurium’s rooftop offers a beautiful view of the city.

Futurium is located in the center of Berlin – it is right in front of the Reichstag building.  Best of all, admission to the museum is free.



The Computer Games Museum in Berlin is a great option for those who want to immerse themselves in the gaming world of the last centuries. Adult visitors come here for nostalgia, young ones for bright impressions. The interactive exposition of the museum is represented by the first computers, game machines, and consoles. They are still in working condition and gather visitors from small to large every day.

In addition to technology, the museum also houses a rich collection of games. It shows the development of the game industry in the major countries of the world. Tourists learn about the history of the most popular digital products, as well as the intricacies of music, graphics, and artwork.

Little BIG City Berlin

Little BIG City Berlin

Little BIG City is a 1:24 scale model of a miniature Berlin at different periods of its 750-year history as a city with a special focus on the events of the 20th century. It was created by Merlin Entertainments, a global company that manages more than 130 attractions in 25 countries, specializing in rides, children’s towns, and theme parks.

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For two and a half years, Merlin’s team of forty artists, designers, modelers, carpenters, mechanical engineers, and 3D printing operators created this amazing little replica of big Berlin and populated it with its inhabitants. Each of the 5,000 characters in the exhibition has been worked out by the artists in the smallest detail, many of them are based on real biographies of the inhabitants of old Berlin – famous personalities and ordinary people. Costume details, peculiarities of the entourage, and nuances of social relations were studied and embodied by the team’s stylists in the images of the inhabitants of the medieval city.

Berlin Museum of Medical History of the Charite

Berlin Museum of Medical History of the Charite

The Berlin Medical Museum is located on the grounds of the Charité University Hospital, Mitte Campus. The permanent exhibition is devoted to the history of medicine, outstanding German scientists, the study of the structure of the body, diseases, and changes within science itself. The collection includes antique medical devices and moulages.

The museum was established based on Virchow’s collection, but most of the exhibits were lost during the war. The museum has a large hall of preparations collected mainly during the GDR period. There are temporary exhibitions on various subjects.

Featured image provided by Levin; Pexels; Thanks!


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