AI Listens to Keystrokes, Updated

Keystroke Exposure

A recent study by Cornell University has disclosed that artificial intelligence (AI) can “listen” to users’ keystrokes, enabling it to predict their passwords with up to 95% accuracy. The AI system was trained on audio recordings of people typing on keyboards, as it learned to identify the distinct sounds generated by each key.

What About My Privacy?

This groundbreaking discovery raises concerns about the potential security risks of AI being utilized in cyber-attacks and highlights the importance of strengthening safeguards in place.

It also emphasizes the need for individuals to adopt strong and unique password strategies and use multi-factor authentications to minimize risks associated with password-related breaches.

Testing the AI System

The researchers evaluated the AI system using a phone’s built-in microphone positioned 17 centimeters from a 2021 MacBook Pro and during Zoom and Skype calls. With these methods, the system attained password identification accuracy rates of 95%, 93%, and 91.7%, respectively.

The high success rate of the AI system emphasizes the potential vulnerability of using passwords during online communications. Users are advised to remain conscious of their surroundings and consider alternative security measures when entering sensitive information during such calls.

Common Oversights in Your Privacy

The research highlights that people frequently hide their screens when inputting passwords but seldom attempt to conceal the sounds produced by their keystrokes. Developments in microphone technology and deep learning have rendered acoustic attacks on keyboards more viable.

Many individuals remain unaware of the potential risks associated with insufficient attention to the audible aspects of typing. It is crucial to promote public awareness about these threats while also encouraging the implementation of more secure technological solutions to prevent acoustic attacks.

Keystroke Analysis Breakthrough

In the study, researchers hit 36 laptop keys 25 times each, modifying the pressure and fingers employed, while the AI assessed the waveform, intensity, and timing of the keystrokes.

The AI could accurately identify the specific keys being pressed with remarkable precision. This breakthrough in keystroke analysis could potentially have a wide range of applications, from improving typing software to enhancing security and authentication systems.

Acoustic-Based Side-Channel Attacks

This kind of cyberattack, referred to as an “acoustic-based side-channel attack,” has existed for decades and involves obtaining sensitive data through unintended sound emissions or vibrations.

Typically, these attacks exploit fluctuations in electronic components such as capacitors, which emit subtle noises called “coil whine.” As technology advances, attackers continue to refine their techniques and develop new methods to infiltrate systems, making it crucial for hardware and software developers to stay vigilant and enhance security measures.

Safeguarding Devices and Personal Data

The growing dependence on smartphones and laptops heightens the risk of such attacks. In real-world situations, malware present on a nearby device with a microphone could acquire users’ keystroke information.

As a result, it has become increasingly important for individuals to take necessary precautions to safeguard their devices and personal data. By regularly updating software, utilizing strong antivirus programs, and being cautious about sharing sensitive information, users can mitigate potential risks related to malware and cyberattacks.

Strengthening Password Combinations

To protect against these attacks, the study recommends changing typing habits and using password combinations that include uppercase and lowercase letters. Incorporating numbers and special characters can also increase the strength and complexity of passwords, making them more difficult for attackers to decipher.

Additionally, utilizing tools like password managers can aid in securely storing unique passwords for various platforms, reducing the likelihood of unauthorized access due to predictable or identical passwords being used across different accounts.

Looking Ahead

Additionally, researchers are investigating “silent alternatives” to conventional keyboards as a possible solution for improved cybersecurity. These alternatives are focused on providing a more discreet and secure method of inputting information, effectively minimizing the risks associated with eavesdropping and hacking attempts.

Some promising technologies being explored include virtual keyboards, thought-controlled systems, and biometric authentication methods, all of which have the potential to significantly enhance user privacy.


What did the Cornell University study discover?

The study found that AI can predict passwords up to 95% accuracy by “listening” to users’ keystrokes. The AI system was trained on audio recordings of people typing on keyboards, learning to identify the distinct sounds generated by each key.

How was the AI system tested?

The researchers evaluated the AI using a phone’s built-in microphone placed 17 centimeters from a 2021 MacBook Pro and during Zoom and Skype calls. The system accurately identified passwords with rates of 95%, 93%, and 91.7%, respectively.

Why don’t people pay attention to the audible aspects of typing?

Many individuals remain unaware of the potential risks associated with insufficient attention to the audible aspects of typing, as they usually focus on hiding their screens when inputting passwords. More public awareness is needed to address this issue.

What are acoustic-based side-channel attacks?

Acoustic-based side-channel attacks involve obtaining sensitive data through electronic components’ unintended sound emissions or vibrations. They have existed for decades, and attackers continue to refine their techniques as technology advances.

How can users protect themselves from these attacks?

Users can safeguard their devices and personal data by updating software regularly, utilizing strong antivirus programs, being cautious about sharing sensitive information, and adopting strong, unique passwords for their different accounts.

What are some password best practices?

Using password combinations that include both uppercase and lowercase letters, incorporating numbers and special characters, and utilizing tools like password managers can increase password strength and help protect against unauthorized access.

What are some silent alternatives for improved cybersecurity?

Researchers are investigating options such as virtual keyboards, thought-controlled systems, and biometric authentication methods to provide more discreet and secure ways of inputting information, reducing the risks associated with eavesdropping and hacking attempts.

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