
Baton Rouge Entrepreneurship Week 2024 announced

Baton Rouge Entrepreneurship Week 2024 announced

Entrepreneurship Week 2024

The 13th annual Baton Rouge Entrepreneurship Week (BREW) is scheduled to occur from May 7 to May 9, 2024, at the Mid City Tower. This event is an excellent opportunity for budding entrepreneurs, accomplished businesspersons, investors, and enthusiastic students to convene and exchange ideas.

BREW 2024 has an impressive line-up of guest speakers from multiple sectors who will offer their unique perspectives on entrepreneurship. Leading the speaker roster are Dhiraj Mukherjee of Shazam, and Felicia Hatcher of Black Ambition Prize.

Mukherjee’s talk, “Stayin’ Alive”, will offer insights into his entrepreneurial journey, mistakes and strategies to overcome, as well as his unique techniques for leadership and fostering innovation. The importance of sustainable practices and climate responsibility will also be highlighted as vital factors for the businesses of the future.

On her part, Hatcher will deliver a keynote speech titled “Thriving”.

Unveiling Baton Rouge Entrepreneurship week 2024

Her focus is on self-exploration and recognizing one’s unique capabilities. According to Hatcher, true success lies not in being the best, but in embracing oneself and unlocking the full potential. As the head of Black Ambition Prize, Hatcher has supported over 100 entrepreneurs, gathering funds that surpass a whopping $95 million.

BREW 2024 will offer its attendees a range of networking activities, panel discussions, and workshops. Among these, the keynote talks by Mukherjee and Hatcher are sure to be crowd pullers. There will also be a competition, and the full program can be accessed online, for those interested in more information or to register.

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