
Electric Car Battery Replacement Shocks Owner

Electric Car Battery Replacement Shocks Owner

Battery Replacement

Peter Birovchak, a Kelowna citizen, believed he was making an environmentally-conscious decision when he bought a 2018 Hyundai Ioniq Plug-In Hybrid in 2017. However, in September 2021, when the engine light turned on and a dealer inspection showed that a new electric battery was required, Birovchak was astounded by the $15,272 cost for just the battery, excluding labor. Not only did this unexpected expense leave Birovchak questioning the financial viability of his eco-friendly choice, but it also raised concerns about the true costs of maintaining an electric vehicle. As more people turn to hybrid and electric cars in an effort to reduce their carbon footprint, it is essential to understand the long-term expenses associated with these vehicles and whether they are genuinely more sustainable in the long-run.

Warranty complications

With 190,000 kilometers on the odometer, Birovchak’s vehicle had exceeded Hyundai’s warranty, which covers up to 160,000 kilometers. At first, he received minimal support from Hyundai Canada to help with the battery replacement expenses. However, Birovchak’s perseverance in seeking assistance eventually caught the attention of Hyundai Canada representatives. Acknowledging the importance of addressing customer concerns, they began working closely with him to find a solution for the battery replacement cost.

Consumer Shock

“You feel like you’ve been punched in the mouth,” Birovchak said, expressing his disbelief at the exorbitant price of one car part. The staggering cost has left many consumers, like Birovchak, questioning the rationale behind such price inflation. As a result, this has led to increased discussions about the feasibility of investing in the particular car part or resorting to alternative options.

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Manufacturer’s response

Nevertheless, after seeking assistance, Hyundai Canada has decided to cover the battery expenses and honor the warranty. This decision has not only restored the customer’s faith in the company but also reinforced Hyundai’s commitment to providing excellent after-sales service. By taking this step, Hyundai Canada has set a positive example for other automakers to follow, ensuring that their customers are satisfied and their needs addressed promptly.

Successful collaboration

Birovchak is grateful for the company’s help. The collaboration between Birovchak and the company has proven to be mutually beneficial, yielding considerable success for both parties. Moving forward, the partnership is expected to flourish, as they continue to work together on various projects and support each other’s goals.

Takeaways for future electric vehicle buyers

This incident underscores the importance for consumers to take into account the potential costs of replacing batteries when buying electric vehicles. Moreover, it highlights the need for manufacturers to provide transparent information regarding battery life and replacement expenses. As electric vehicle adoption continues to grow, consumers and manufacturers must work together to create a sustainable and financially viable ecosystem.

Guidance from experts

Car Help Canada, a nonprofit organization that assists customers with car purchases, recommends that prospective electric vehicle buyers investigate and plan for the possible significant expenses tied to battery replacements. Experts suggest that a well-informed decision on electric vehicles can help buyers avoid unexpected costs and ensure a more efficient long-term ownership experience. Additionally, knowing the warranty coverage and understanding the lifespan of a battery will allow customers to accurately calculate the maintenance expenses associated with owning an electric vehicle.

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What happened when Peter Birovchak’s engine light turned on?

A dealer inspection showed that a new electric battery was required, costing $15,272, excluding labor. This unexpected expense left Birovchak questioning the financial viability of his eco-friendly choice and raised concerns about the true costs of maintaining an electric vehicle.

What was the issue with Peter Birovchak’s warranty?

With 190,000 kilometers on the odometer, Birovchak’s vehicle had exceeded Hyundai’s warranty, which covers up to 160,000 kilometers. However, after seeking assistance, Hyundai Canada decided to cover the battery expenses and honor the warranty.

How did Peter Birovchak eventually receive help from Hyundai Canada?

His perseverance in seeking assistance caught the attention of Hyundai Canada representatives. They acknowledged the importance of addressing customer concerns and began working closely with him to find a solution for the battery replacement cost.

What can future electric vehicle buyers learn from this incident?

Consumers should take into account the potential costs of replacing batteries when buying electric vehicles. Additionally, it’s important for manufacturers to provide transparent information regarding battery life and replacement expenses, as well as knowing the warranty coverage and understanding the lifespan of a battery to accurately calculate maintenance expenses.

What guidance do experts offer for prospective electric vehicle buyers?

Car Help Canada, a nonprofit organization that assists customers with car purchases, recommends investigating and planning for possible significant expenses tied to battery replacements. A well-informed decision on electric vehicles can help buyers avoid unexpected costs and ensure a more efficient long-term ownership experience.


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