
Robinhood introduces Gold Card with cash-back benefits

Robinhood introduces Gold Card with cash-back benefits

Gold Card

Robinhood is unveiling its Gold Card, a new product offering features like a 3% cash-back option that can be reinvested or deposited into a savings account. The account offers 5% APY and access to zero-fee trading, research reports, and valuable market data. These services come at a nominal monthly fee to their Gold members.

This innovative card promotes a higher level of financial literacy among its users by providing insights into real-time trading data. However, it remains unclear how this new addition will impact the company’s profits. The Gold Card uses technology previously acquired by Robinhood—the success of this application could be a game-changer for Robinhood and its operations.

The Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) industry faces challenges right now. With regulatory bodies increasing scrutiny, some startups are even reducing their workforce to conserve capital.

Unveiling Robinhood’s Gold Card features

However, many businesses continue to value the convenience and functionality BaaS offers. They consider these vast costs as a beneficial long-term investment. In response to regulatory compliance issues, companies consult with legal experts to ensure they meet regulators’ standards.

Meanwhile, Qoala, an innovative Indonesian startup offering diverse insurance solutions, recently received funding from PayPal Ventures and MassMutual Ventures. This significant financial backing will allow Qoala to extend its reach and improve its services.

New Retirement, a tech company rooted in Mill Valley, has secured substantial funding for its financial retirement planning software. Additionally, Swedish startup Alma accumulated an impressive $15 million in its Series A funding round, taking their total fundraising to a whopping $20 million.

In another development, Supaglue, formerly Supergrain, has been brought on board to provide real-time analytics and reporting across its platform and other third-party applications. Supaglue aims to enhance decision-making based on cohesive data insights by integrating with other applications.

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Lastly, changes are happening at Bolt, a one-click checkout company, as the former CEO, Maju Kuruvilla, steps down. Justin Grooms is now in the hot seat, assuming the role of interim CEO while Bolt seeks a permanent replacement.


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