
Book Excerpt: Firewalls and Internet Security, Repelling the Wily Hacker, 2nd Edition

Book Excerpt: Firewalls and Internet Security, Repelling the Wily Hacker, 2nd Edition

uch has changed since the first edition of Firewalls and Internet Security was published in 1994. For one thing, the Web was still a rather obscure concept for most people at that time, so this edition is nearly a complete rewrite.

This book will teach you how to plan and execute a security strategy that allows easy access to Internet services while defeating even the wiliest of hackers. Firewalls and Internet Security was written by well-known senior researchers at AT&T Bell Labs, Lumeta, and Johns Hopkins University. You will benefit from their actual, real-world experience maintaining, improving, and redesigning AT&T’s Internet gateway.

Download the PDFs of Chapter 2: “A Security Review of Protocols: Lower Layers” and Chapter 3: “Security Review: The Upper Layers”

Reproduced from Firewalls and Internet Security, Repelling the Wily Hacker, 2nd Edition by permission of Addison-Wesley. ISBN 020163466, copyright 2003. All rights reserved.

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