
Study Shows Security Pay Is Dipping: What Does that Mean for Security Pros?

Study Shows Security Pay Is Dipping: What Does that Mean for Security Pros?

For years, security certification has long been viewed as a sure-fire way to gain salary increases and land job opportunities. The golden age of security certification may be coming to an end, however—at least that’s what a recent report from Foote Partnets, an IT research and advisory found. recently launched a two part series discussing this issue. Part One explores what is happening in the security industry to promt this change, and Part Two dives into how security professionals might want to look at this change—and offers ideas on where the industry may be moving.


“Additional pay awarded to IT workers for security certifications declined unexpectedly in the third quarter of 2010, posting its first quarterly loss since 2006,” said David Foote, co-founder, CEO and Chief Research Officer at Foote Partners is quotes as saying in the article. “How organizations think about, plan for, and then act on security threats is being debated with a new urgency and big changes are on the horizon.”

Read more about security by finding the full articles here:

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