Start and Stop SQL Server 7.0 on Windows 98/95 With SCM.Exe Utility

Start and Stop SQL Server 7.0 on Windows 98/95 With SCM.Exe Utility

If you are running the windows 98/95 version of SQL Server, then you can use the Windows 98/95 specific scm.exe utility to stop and start SQL Server. The scm.exe utility actually mimics Windows NT commands, such as net start and net stop for starting and stopping the services. For example, to use scm.exe to stop the SQL Server, type:
scm -action 6 -service mssqlserver

On the other hand, to start the SQL Server service, type:
scm -action 1 -service mssqlserver

You can find scm.exe utility in the Mssql7Binn folder when you install SQL Server 7.0 on a Windows 95/98 computer.


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