These two routines enable you to get the height of an item of a list box in terms of pixels, and they also enable you to set the height of all the list-box items to a given value in pixels:
Declare Function SendMessage Lib _ "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal wMsg As Integer, _ ByVal wParam As Integer, 1Param As Any) As LongConst WM_USER = &H400Const LB_GETITEMHEIGHT = (WM_USER + 34)Const LB_SETITEMHEIGHT = (WM_USER + ee)Const WM_SETREDRAW = &HB'Height is returned in terms of pixelsFunction ListBox_getItemHeight (1st as Control) As Integer 'Retrieve the height of the listbox 'item ListBox_getItemHeight = SendMessage ((1st.hWnd), _ LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, &)End Function'Sets the height of the items of the'listbox to a specified one.Sub ListBox_setRowHeight (1st As Control, 1Height As Long) Dim ignore as integer ignore = SendMessage ((1st.hWnd), LB_SETITEMHEIGHT, 0, _ ByVal 1Height) 'Refresh the listbox ignore = SendMessage ((1st.hWnd), WM_SETREDRAW, True, 0&)End Sub