
SS3D2.VBX And Win95 GPF

SS3D2.VBX And Win95 GPF

Running applications written in VB3 in the WIN95 OS is not always aclean conversion. This code would work fine in Windows for Workgroups 3.11,but would GPF in WIN95. SS3D2.VBX, which is from Sheridan Software andcontains SSCombo and SSList, among others. I got a GPF crash from Win95when I placed the SSCombo on top of the SSIDXTAB.VBX upon exit. The workaroundis to type in the Form_Unload event:

 Dim rc as integerrc = setparent(sscombo1.hwnd, form1.hwnd)

The workaround makes the combo a child of the form, not of the indextab, during the unload. In addition to, add in the General Declarations:

 Declare Function Setparent Lib "User.exe" _	(Byval hwndchild as integer, byval _	hwndparent as integer) as integer. 
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