
A Handy Utility for Working with INI Files

A Handy Utility for Working with INI Files

If you work with INI files, save yourself hours of work and downloadthe INIFILE.BAS module I’ve uploaded to the VBPJ and MSBASIC Forumson CompuServe (file KPINI.ZIP). There’s no charge for it, and I’m availableon-line to answer questions about it (Peterson is the sysop of the 32-BitBucket on the VBPJ Forum–Ed.). KPINI includes more than 40routines that can do just about anything imaginable to or with an INI file.A series of special functions deals with the oddity that is SYSTEM.INI,such as determining if a driver is loaded or even retrieving a list ofall drivers. You’ll find functions for retrieving all the sections witha file, all the entries within a section, erasing an entry or an entiresection, and many, many other things. All functions are implemented forboth WIN.INI and PRIVATE.INIs. The module can be added to any existingproject. Enjoy!

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