
What’s That Name Again?

What’s That Name Again?

Net-related technology is already moving at a frightening pace, but vendors are actively making things more confusing by continuously coming up with new names for slight variations on existing technology. A good example is the naming of browser-related scripting and programming languages:

  • Java is the original object-oriented programming language created by Sun;
  • JavaScript is what Netscape renamed their proprietary LiveScript client-side scripting language to. Apart from the syntax, which may seem similar at first glance, it’s not related to Java at all;
  • JScript is Microsoft’s implementation of JavaScript. It does, however, have some unique incompatibilities with that language;
  • ECMAScript is a standardized version of JavaScript, as defined by the European Computer Manufacturers Association in their ECMA-262 standards document;
  • JScript 3.0 is Microsoft’s implementation of ECMAScript. It does, however, add some additional features.
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