
Replicating the END command in C++

Replicating the END command in C++

Suppose I have one function that calls about five or so subfunctions. In one of the subfunctions, I have an if statement:
that if a=0, go on to the rest of the program but if a=1, then I want it to END.
If I end the function at this point, it returns to the primary function and continues on, not ENDING the program. How do I replicate the END command in BASIC, Pascal, and DOS Batch files? I have just started with functions, so the simpler way the better. Simply use the statement exit(int); The int argument is the value returned to the operating system by the terminating process. Under UNIX, the convention is to return 0 for normal termination. Non-zero exit values normally describe error conditions. In your case, you should probably use exit(0); (normal termination). If the “exit” function is not available, you can throw a special termination exception that you catch in the main program only, and which you handle by returning 0 (i.e. return(0);).

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