Use OLE Automation to Call 16-Bit DLLs From VB5 (or VB4 32)

Use OLE Automation to Call 16-Bit DLLs From VB5 (or VB4 32)

First, create a VB4-16 project and call it VB16Project. In the project, create a class module that includes a function that calls your 16-bit DLL in the usual way. Name the class VB16Class and the function VB16DLLCall. In your VB4-16 project, remove the default form and add a standard module with a Main subroutine or function.

Under the Tools/Options/Project/StartMode section, click on the OLE Server radio button. Make sure your class module’s Instancing Property is set to 1 (CreateableSingleUse) or 2 (CreateableMultiUse). Compile and save your project as an Executable. Now create a 32-bit application using VB4-32 or VB5. To call the 16-bit DLL in your 32-bit project, use this code:

 		Dim MyObj as Object 		Set MyObj = CreateObject("VB16Project.VB16Class")		Call MyObj.VB16DLLCall()

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