
Use Bookmarks to Reduce Scrolling in Visual InterDev 6

Use Bookmarks to Reduce Scrolling in Visual InterDev 6

When you have a long HTML file to edit, scrolling up and down to your working areas can be a real pain. Fortunately, you can apply bookmarks to points in the code so that you can jump to them with keystrokes. Try this technique on a large HTML file. First, scroll to a point halfway through the file. Press Ctrl+K and then Ctrl+K again to create a bookmark. Notice the rectangular symbol that shows the bookmarked location. Then scroll to the start of the HTML file so the bookmark is out of sight. Press Ctrl+K and then Ctrl+N. You jump to the bookmark without having to touch the mouse. You can add several bookmarks to a page and use the Ctrl+K, Ctrl+N keyboard sequence to jump from one to the other.

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