
Using SQLMAINT.EXE Command-Prompt Utility

Using SQLMAINT.EXE Command-Prompt Utility

You can use SQLMAINT.EXE command-prompt utility to perform routine database maintenance activities. It can be used to run DBCC checks, to dump a database and its transaction log, to update statistics, and to rebuild indexes. It returns 0 if it runs successfully or 1 if it fails.

Remember that because SQLMAINT.EXE is a SQL-DMO application, it is necessary to register SQL-DMO on the machine where SQLMAINT.EXE is intended to be run. If SQL Server 6.5 or SQL Enterprise Manager is installed on the machine, SQL-DMO is already registered. Simple usage syntax is ,

SQLMAINT [-S server_name][-U login_ID [-P password]] -D database_name -Rpt output_file

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