
Counter in For-Next Statement

Counter in For-Next Statement

It is always easy for people who know Visual Basic to write code inVBScript. But sometimes you make some common mistakes because of the implementation differences between VB and VBScript.One such common mistake is in usage of For-Next statement. In VB you canoptionally specify the name of counter variable in a Next statement. If you omit the name of counter variable then the, execution continuesas if counter is included. In VBScript you cannot specify the name of thecounter variable after Next statement.

This is one of the common mistakes that many VB programmers (at least I) makewhen they write For-Next statements in VBScript. You will get an “Expected end ofStatement” error if you try to specify the name of counter variable afterthe Next statement.

 ' This is valid in VBScript For lIndex = 0 to lCount Next' This is not valid in VBScript For lIndex = 0 to lCount Next lIndex      ' note name of counter variable lIndex after Next

However, in VB, both of the above written For-Next statements are valid.

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