
Simplify Programatic Selection in Combos

Simplify Programatic Selection in Combos

Here’s a useful procedure to position a ComboBox according to a value of the ItemData property or the List property. It’s useful to position a ComboBox with values taken from a database, and this way, become independent of the index property. For example, you might fill a ComboBox with the serial port’s baud speeds, including a description in List and the value in bauds in ItemData:

 Public Sub LlenarCombo(pCombo As ComboBox)	With pCombo		.Clear		.AddItem "1200 bps"		.ItemData(0) = 1200		.AddItem "2400 bps"		.ItemData(1) = 2400		.AddItem "4800 bps"		.ItemData(2) = 4800		.AddItem "9600 bps"		.ItemData(3) = 9600		.AddItem "14400 bps"		.ItemData(4) = 14400		.AddItem "28800 bps"		.ItemData(5) = 28800		.ListIndex = 0	End WithEnd SubPublic Sub PosicionarCombo(pCombo As _	ComboBox, ByVal pValor As Variant)	Dim i As Integer	If IsNumeric(pValor) Then		' Search by ItemData		For i = 0 To pCombo.ListCount - 1			If pCombo.ItemData(i) = pValor Then				pCombo.ListIndex = i				Exit For			End If		Next i	Else		' Search by List 		For i = 0 To pCombo.ListCount - 1			If pCombo.List(i) = pValor Then				pCombo.ListIndex = i				Exit For			End If		Next i	End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub cmdPosItemData_Click()	PosicionarCombo cboTest, 9600End SubPrivate Sub cmdPosList_Click()	PosicionarCombo cboTest, "4800 bps"End Sub
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