How to Rethrow an Exception in Your Code

Use the


method to rethrow a Throwable type of exceptional condition in your code. This is useful if you want to rethrow a exception occurred while using a method or creating a Object but want to avoid the stack trace from these calls.

The intention is to show the stack trace starting from this method or error condition. This a similar to creating a new Object of type Throwable and throwing it as the exception; this happens when the call to


method is made; it returns a new Object of type Throwable filled with the execution stack trace.Example code:

 import;public class testExceptions  {

Example of fillInStackTrace

 	    	void method1() throws Throwable  	  {  	     throw new Throwable("Throwable Exception in method1"); 	  	  }   	  	void method2() throws Throwable  	  {

throw new IOException(“Exception in method2”);

 	try		 {		    method1();					 }		catch(Throwable th)		 {

throw th;

  	throw th.fillInStackTrace();

similar to throw new Throwable();

 		 }  	  } 

Example of fillInStackTrace

 public static void main(String args[]) throws Throwable	 {		new testExceptions().method2();				 }    }


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