
Another Way to Delete Files or Filetypes

Another Way to Delete Files or Filetypes

This routine uses all the good stuff that FileSystemObject offers.

Here it is:

 Public Sub DeleteFiles(ByVal strPath As String, ByVal strExtension As String)     Dim fsoMain As Scripting.FileSystemObject     Dim folToDeleteFrom As Scripting.Folder     Dim fleToDelete As Scripting.File         On Error GoTo ErrorHandler         ' Init     Set fsoMain = New FileSystemObject         ' Check if folder exists     If fsoMain.FolderExists(strPath) Then         Set folToDeleteFrom = fsoMain.GetFolder(strPath)                 ' Loop through all files and delete the ones with matching extensions         For Each fleToDelete In folToDeleteFrom.Files             If strExtension = fsoMain.GetExtensionName(fleToDelete.Path) Then                 fleToDelete.Delete             End If         Next fleToDelete     Else         ' Here you could raise an error     End If         Set fleToDelete = Nothing     Set folToDeleteFrom = Nothing     Set fsoMain = Nothing         Exit Sub ErrorHandler:     Set fleToDelete = Nothing     Set folToDeleteFrom = Nothing     Set fsoMain = Nothing     ' Do the stuff you need to do here (raise error, MsgBox, log,...) End Sub 

And it should be used like this:


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