
Manipulating Text Field Data in a SQL Stored Procedure

Manipulating Text Field Data in a SQL Stored Procedure

The code below is functionally equivalent to a VB Replace function, but, instead, it allows you to perform an action in a Text type field in a SQL Server Stored Procedure. This functionality can be especially useful in content management type situations, allowing you, for example, to replace all carriage returns with an HTML

 CREATE Procedure sp_replaceASDECLARE	        @pointer binary(16),		@iPatternLoc Integer,		@rowId Integer--@rowId is an arbitrary row identifier this could be passed in by-- a parameterSELECT @rowId = 1--Select Satement below retrieves first location of a searched--pattern (in this case carriege return) and assigns it to--@iPatternLoc variableSELECT @iPatternLoc = PATINDEX('%' + CHAR(13) + '%',text_field)FROM someTable WHERE someTableId = @rowId--This Select statement returns a pointer variable pointed to thetext_field--column.SELECT @pointer = TEXTPTR(text_field)FROM someTableWHERE text_field = @rowIdSelect @iPatternLoc = @iPatternLoc - 1--Loop through all instances of Char(13) and replace them with--
using the UPDATETEXT functionWHILE @iPatternLoc > -1 BEGIN UPDATETEXT text_field @pointer @iPatternLoc 4 '
' SELECT @iPatternLoc = PATINDEX('%' + CHAR(13) + '%',text_field) FROM someTable WHERE someTableId = @rowId Select @iPatternLoc = @iPatternLoc - 1 END

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