
Transfer Data from a RichTextBox Control to an Outlook Message

Transfer Data from a RichTextBox Control to an Outlook Message

When automating Outlook from a VB application, I needed to find a way to transfer data from a RichTextBox control to an Outlook message. Unfortunately using Clipboard.SetText and Clipboard.GetText did not save the formatting of the entered text. However, I found the best way to transfer formatted text from a RichTextBox control to an Outlook message was to use “Sendkeys” to simulate Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V for copying and pasting (respectively).

This code assumes a project reference to the Outlook Object Library. My RichTextBox Control is named rtfData:

 	Dim objOutlook As New Outlook.Application	Dim objOutlookMsg As Outlook.MailItem	Set objOutlookMsg = objOutlook.CreateItem(0)	objOutlookMsg.BCC = "[email protected]"        	objOutlookMsg.To = "[email protected]"       	objOutlookMsg.Subject = Form1.Text1.Text            	Clipboard.Clear            rtfData.SelStart = "0"            rtfData.SelLength = Len(rtfData.Text)            rtfData.SetFocus                        SendKeys "^c", True      'copy text            Me.Hide            objOutlookMsg.Display  'display Outlook message            SendKeys "^v", True    ' paste text            Me.Show

The above code will paste all text from the RichTextBox control to theOutlook Message and will preserve all formatting.

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