
A Universal Delete Stored Procedure that Deletes Records from any Table

A Universal Delete Stored Procedure that Deletes Records from any Table

This stored procedure accepts tablename, fieldname, fieldvalue andfieldtype as parameters. If no fieldname, fieldvalue is passed, it deletes all records from the table passed. Fieldvalue could be a single value or list of values delimited by a comma. If fieldtype is NULL or 1 it will consider the datatype of the field as char, varchar. Else it is considered as a numeric value.

 create procedure deleterecord  @tablename  _varchar(50), @fieldnamevarchar(50)=NULL,@fieldvalue  varchar(2000)=NULL , @fieldtype _int=NULL with recompileasdeclare @position intdeclare @newvalue varchar(2000)declare @sqlstat varchar(500)if @fieldname is NULL  begin   -- no fieldname delete all the _records   set @sqlstat = ' delete from ' + @tablename   exec(@sqlstat)  endelsebegin set @newvalue=@fieldvalue set @position=charindex(',', @fieldvalue) while @position >0  begin   set @sqlstat = " delete from " + @tablename _+ " where " + @fieldname +" = "   if @fieldtype is NULL or @fieldtype = 1   begin	set @sqlstat = @sqlstat + "'"   end   set @sqlstat = @sqlstat + left(@newvalue, _charindex(',',@newvalue)-1)   if @fieldtype is NULL or @fieldtype = 1   begin	set @sqlstat = @sqlstat + "'"   end   set @newvalue=right(@newvalue,len(@newvalue) -charindex(',',@newvalue))   set @position=charindex(',', @newvalue)   -- print @sqlstat   exec (@sqlstat)  end set @sqlstat = " delete from " + @tablename + _" where " + @fieldname + "= " if @fieldtype is NULL or @fieldtype = 1 begin	set @sqlstat = @sqlstat + "'" end set @sqlstat = @sqlstat + @newvalue if @fieldtype is NULL or @fieldtype = 1 begin	set @sqlstat = @sqlstat + "'" end print @sqlstat exec(@sqlstat)endreturn


 exec deleterecord 'country' ,'countryname' , 'abcd'exec deleterecord 'country' ,'countryid' , '900'exec deleterecord 'country' ,'countryname' , _'abcd,efg,hij,klm'exec deleterecord 'country' ,'countryid' , _'900,901,902,903'exec deleterecord 'country'
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