
Checking for Null After New (2)

Checking for Null After New (2)

Normally, you should not check for null after creating an object.

 MyObject o = new MyObject();

This check is not required in Java because ‘new’ is not allowed to return null. A new operator will raise an OutOfMerroryException if there is insufficient memory available. But if an object constructor has generated an Exception, the object hasn’t been created. Try this simple code:

 public class test {	public test() throws Exception {		throw new Exception("Exception in _constructor");	}	public static void main(String s[]) {		test t = null;		try {			t = new test();		} catch (Exception e) {			System.out.println(e.toString());		}		System.out.println("The instance is " + _((t == null)? "null" : "notnull"));	}}

Then, try again with the commented body of the constructor.

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