
Replace Function in Javascript

Replace Function in Javascript

JavaScript lacks a Replace() function. This functionality can only be achieved in Javascript using RegularExpression, though not all browsers support it. The code below is for replace and can work on all browers.

 function Replace(StrSource,StrFind,StrReplace,_IsCaseSensitive)	{		var StrReplacedContent="";		var FindPos;		var StrOriginal=new String(StrSource)_.toString();		var StrOriginalSource=new String(StrSource);		var FindPos=StrOriginalSource.toString()_.indexOf(StrFind);		while(FindPos>-1)			{				StrReplacedContent+=_StrOriginal.substring(0,FindPos) + StrReplace;				StrOriginalSource=_StrOriginalSource.substring(FindPos+StrFind.length);				StrOriginal=_StrOriginal.substring(FindPos+StrFind.length);				FindPos=StrOriginalSource_.indexOf(StrFind);			}		StrReplacedContent+=StrOriginalSource;		return StrReplacedContent;	}
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