
Reading from a Property File

Reading from a Property File

Sometimes it’s useful to get information from a text property file, especially when you want to change values inside classes without recompiling them every time. A simple (and fast) way to obtain external information from a file is: fis;    String fileName = "config.prop";    java.util.Properties configProperties = null;    try {      fis = new FileInputStream(fileName);      configProperties = new Properties();      configProperties.load(fis);    }    catch(Exception e) {      System.out.println("ERROR in reading the  _configuration file");      e.printStackTrace();    }    .....    // get the properties    String property1 = configProperties.getProperty("property1");    String property2 = configProperties.getProperty("property2");    ...

The text file (config.prop in this case) should be in the form:

 property1 = value1property2 = value2....

Another interesting thing is that comments can be inserted in the text file in the form:

 # This is a comment..# This is another comment..

These comment lines will be automatically ignored.

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